Anne-Sophie Papeil
Dr. lic. iur.
To secure a research worker and teaching position that will allow me the ability to utilize my analytical, interpersonal, and communicative skills.
- University of Law, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), Swiss Magistracy Academy, Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Magistracy, Graduate with Honors.
- Rouen University of Law, Rouen (France), PhD in Private international Law 2014, Graduate with highest honor.
- University of Columbia, law school – Visiting Scholar.
- University of Rouen – Master's degree in international private law (one year degree required before doctoral studies), Graduate with Honors (Mention B), 2005.
- University of Rouen – Private law « Maîtrise » (one-year degree equivalent of an LL.M.), 2004.
- University of Rouen - « Law Licence » (Three-year university degree equivalent to « Bachelor of law »), 2003: including DEUG of law, (two-year degree), 2002
- School of « Notariat » - first law degree (Top French School), 2000.
Professional Experience
- Neuchatel State Department of Labor and unemployment Insurance, 2012 to date, Lawyer
Research and writing of legal opinions; pleaded in front of Criminal Courts, Labor Courts and Civil courts, writing of legal decisions. - University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), 2011 to date, lecturer/ University of Lucerne, Lucerne (Switzerland), 2011, Professor Daniel Girsberger Research Assitant
Assisted the Professor in her research; taught Civil law; Prepared examinations; Prepared legal opinions. - Federal Office of Justice (Federal Department of Justice and Police) 2010 to 2011, lawyer.
Research and writing of legal opinions. Member of the team «Defence» for the case «Belgium v. Switzerland» before the ICJ. - University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), 2006 to 2009, Professor F. Guillaume Research/Teaching Assistant
Assisted the Professor in her research; taught Family law module in Conflict of Laws course; Taught sections in Inheritance Law, Real Estate and Private International Law; Prepared examinations; Prepared legal opinions. - Ioanna Coveris-Cerra Notary office, Lausanne (Switzerland), Lawyer 2006:
Conducted client intake interviews; Gathered records and pertinent client background information; Prepared court reports and legal briefs on behalf of the clients. - Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne (Switzerland), Internship, August 2005 to January 2006:
Research and writing of legal opinions - School of « Notariat » (ENR), Rouen (France), Teaching Assistant, September 2004 to May 2005:
Proctoring exams for a class of 30 students; Correction of Notary practice tests; Assistance in drafting the exams; Preparation of students for exams. - Altus RealEstate Company, Rouen (France), Lawyer, January 2004 to August 2004:
Formation of companies; Preparation of employment contracts; Negotiation of contracts with Arab Emirate Nationals - School of « Notariat » (ENR), Rouen (France), Teaching Assistant, September 2003 to September 2004:
Proctoring exams for a class of 30 students; Correction of Notary practice tests; Assistance in drafting the exams; Preparation of students for exams. - Notary Office, Caudebec-en-Caux (France), Legal Adviser, Summer 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,2002 and 2003;
Drafting of deeds; Showing real estate properties; Telephone assistance; Extra training during school vacations.
- La communication des juges et le sentiment de justice, in : « Justice Justiz - Giustizia », 2018/2.
- Les caisses d'assurance chômage sontelles un frein aux négociations devant la Chambre de conciliation? (en cours de rédaction).
2012 :
- L’appartenance à une religion peutelle avoir une influence sur les clauses d’un testament? Une étude comparative basée sur l’affaire américaine Shapira, Succession 1/2012.
2011 :
- Conflict of overriding mandatory rules in arbitration, in F. Ferrari/S. Kröll, Conflict of Laws in International Arbitration, Munich 2011, pp. 341–378.
- La divergence d’interprétation d’une convention de droit international privé constitue t’elle une violation d’un traité ? Le cas particulier de la Convention de Lugano, RSDIE 3/2011, pp. 439–454.
2010 :
- La protection des consommateurs dans les relations internationales, in Rapports suisses présentés au XVIIIe Congrès international de droit comparé, Genève 2010, pp. 23–35.
- Rapport suisse, in D.P. Fernàndez Arroyo (éd.), Consumer Protection in International Private Relashionships, Avida/Asunción 2010, pp. 451–466.
2009 :
- Transmission d’une entreprise familiale à un descendant : Essai comparatif SuisseFrance, SJ, II, mars 2009, pp. 33–75 (en collaboration avec Florence Guillaume).
- The Unification of Laws in Federal Systems, Swiss National Report : Congrès de l’Académie internationale de droit comparé, Mexico novembre 2008, (chez l’éditeur)
- The difficulties of European law interpretations: the problems due to translation (Contribution pour le module ProDoc des 30 avril et 1er mai 2009).
- L’influence du droit public dans la détermination des lois de police, In: « Le droit décloisonné », interférences et interdépendances entre droit privé et droit public, Genève [etc.], 2009, pp. 357–387.
2008 :
- La règle viventis nulla representatio estelle toujours d’actualité ?, in Revue du Notariat Belge, mai 2008, pp. 267ss.
2007 :
- Doiton laisser la possibilité au futur de cujus de choisir la loi applicable à sa succession, in Successio : revue de droit des successions, Zurich, 1/2007, n°2, pp. 108–123.
- La Convention de Lugano et la protection du consommateur, in La Convention de Lugano, Genève, 2007, pp. 81–95.