Ardita Driza Maurer
Ardita Driza Maurer

Juristin, LL.M.


As independent legal consultant, Ardita works in the field of elections with a focus on the use of digital solutions. She writes a thesis on the constitutional principle of freedom to vote and internet voting (Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau, University of Zurich). Ardita led the group of experts of the Council of Europe Ad hoc Committee of Experts on legal, operational and technical standards for e-voting, which drafted the Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on standards for e-voting. She was a member of the group of experts on e-voting called by the Swiss Federal Chancellery (2017-2018), co-editor of E-Voting Case Law: A Comparative Analysis (Routledge, 2015/2017) and a former member of the internet voting project at the Swiss Federal Chancellery (2006-2012).

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A complete listing of Ardita Driza Maurers publications can be found here.