Amrei Müller
Amrei Müller

Dr. iur.


Dr. Amrei Müller ist seit 2020 Lecturer/Assistant Professor (Ad Astra Fellow) an der University College Dublin (UCD) Sutherland School of Law. Ihre Forschungs- und Lehrtätigkeit konzentriert sich auf den Bereich des Europäischen und internationalen Menschenrechtsschutzes sowie das Humanitäre Völkerrecht.  

Einen vollständigen Lebenslauf finden Sie hier.



a) Monographie

  • Amrei Müller, The Relationship between Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and International Humanitarian Law – An Analysis of Health-related Issues in Non-international Armed Conflicts (BRILL: Nottingham Studies on Human Rights Series, 2013), 335 pages.

b) Sammelbände

  • Amrei Müller (ed), Judicial Dialogue and Human Rights (Cambridge University Press, 2017) (10 Kapitel & 6 Kurzbeiträge von Richtern an nationalen Gerichten und dem EGMR), 585 Seiten.
  • Michael O’Flaherty; Zdzisław Kędzia; Amrei Müller and George Ulrich (eds), Human Rights Diplomacy – Contemporary Perspectives (BRILL: Nottingham Studies on Human Rights Series, 2011), 301 Seiten.

c) Artikel und Buchkapitel 

  • Silvia Behrendt and Amrei Müller, «Vergisst die WHO über ihren sicherheitsfokussierten Ansatz der Covid-19-Pandemiebekämpfung den Menschenrechtsschutz?», in Jusletter 20. Dezember 2021.
  • Amrei Müller, «Armed Conflict», in Christina Binder, Manfred Nowak, Jane Hofbauer and Philipp Janig (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights (Edward Elgar – online publication, 2021).
  • Amrei Müller, «Can Armed Non-state Actors Exercise Jurisdiction and Thus Become Human Rights Duty Bearers?» (2020) 20(2) Human Rights Law Review 269.
  • Amrei Müller, «Social Rights in Armed Conflict Situations» in Christina Binder et al. (eds), Research Handbook on International Law and Social Rights (Edward Elgar, 2020), S. 393-413.
  • Amrei Müller, «The European Court of Human Rights and the Rise of Authoritarianism in Russia» in Jure Vidmar (ed), European Populism and Human Rights (BRILL, 2020), S. 215-55.
  • Amrei Müller, «The Influence of the ICESCR in Europe» in Daniel Moeckli and Helen Keller (eds), The Human Rights Covenants at 50: Their Past, Present, and Future (Oxford University Press, 2018), S. 215-42.
  • Amrei Müller, «The Relationship between the Additional Protocols and Socio-Economic Rights», Proceedings of the 18th Bruges Colloquium: The Additional Protocols at 40: Achievements and Challenges (Bruges, College of Europe, 2018), abrufbar unter:
  • Amrei Müller, «Migrants’ Right to Health in International and European Human Rights Law: Can it still Unfold its Integrative Dynamic in an Era of Restrictive Immigration Policies?» in Richard Huxtable, Corinna Klingler and Katja Kühlmeyer (eds), Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of Healthcare for Migrants: Perspectives from the UK and Germany (Routledge, 2018), S. 79-99.
  • Therese Murphy und Amrei Müller, «United Nations Special Procedures: Peopling Human Rights, Peopling Global Health» in Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O. Gostin (eds), Human Rights in Global Health: Rights-Based Governance for a Globalizing World (Oxford University Press, 2018), S. 487-508.
  • Amrei Müller, «The ECtHR’s Engagement with German and Russian Court Decisions: Encouraging Effective Cooperation to Secure ECHR Rights» in Amrei Müller (ed), Judicial Dialogue and Human Rights (Cambridge University Press, 2017), S. 287-338.
  • Amrei Müller and Hege Elisabeth Kjos, «Judicial Dialogue and Human Rights – Introduction» in Amrei Müller (ed), Judicial Dialogue and Human Rights (Cambridge University Press, 2017), S. 1-24.
  • Amrei Müller, «Judicial Dialogue and Human Rights – Conclusion» in Amrei Müller (ed), Judicial Dialogue and Human Rights (Cambridge University Press, 2017), S. 504-28.
  • Amrei Müller, «Obligations to ‘Secure’ the Rights of the Convention in an ‘Effective Political Democracy’ – How Should Parliaments and Domestic Courts Interact?» in Matthew Saul, Andreas Føllesdal and Geir Ulfstein (eds), The International Human Rights Judiciary and National Parliaments: Europe and Beyond (Cambridge University Press, 2017), S. 167-97.
  • Amrei Müller, «En kort innføring i folkerettslig traktatstolking» (2017) 52 Jussens Venner 222. 
  • Amrei Müller, «The Minimum Core Approach to the Right to Health: Progress and Remaining Challenges» in Sabine Klotz, Heiner Bielefeldt, Martina Schmidhuber and Andreas Frewer (eds), Healthcare as a Human Rights Issue (transcript Verlag, 2017), S. 55-94. 
  • Amrei Müller, «Domestic Authorities’ Obligations to Co-develop the Rights of the European Convention on Human Rights» (2016) 20(8) International Journal of Human Rights 1058.
  • Amrei Müller, «Die Konkretisierung von Kernbereichen des Menschenrechts auf Gesundheit», in Heiner Bielefeldt and Andreas Frewer (eds), Das Menschenrecht auf Gesundheit (transcript Verlag, 2016), S. 126-68. 
  • Amrei Müller, «Oslo – Strasbourg – Back to Oslo and/or into Wider Europe? – The ECtHR’s Engagement with the Decisions of Norwegian Courts for Strengthening the Convention System as a Cooperative System» (2015) 33 Nordic Journal of Human Rights 11. 
  • Amrei Müller, «The Right to Health and International Humanitarian Law: Parallel Application for Building Peaceful Societies and the Prevention of Armed Conflict» (2014) 32 Wisconsin International Law Journal 416.
  • Amrei Müller, «States’ Obligations to Mitigate the Direct and Indirect Health Consequences of Non-International Armed Conflicts: Complementarity of IHL and the Right to Health» (2013) 95 (No 889) International Review of the Red Cross 129.
  • Helen Keller und Amrei Müller, «Das Zusammenspiel von Bundesgericht und EGMR analysiert aus dem Blickwinkel der Subsidiarität», 2012/1 «Justice - Justiz - Giustizia» (Schweizer Richterzeitung).
  • Michael O’Flaherty; Zdzisław Kędzia; Amrei Müller and George Ulrich, «Introduction» in ibid. (eds), Human Rights Diplomacy – Contemporary Perspectives (Brill, 2011), S. 1-19.
  • Amrei Müller, «Remarks on the Venice Statement on the Right to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress and its Applications (Article 15(1)(b) ICESCR)» (2010) 10 Human Rights Law Review 756.
  • Amrei Müller, «Limitations to and Derogations from Economic, Social and Cultural Rights» (2009) 9 Human Rights Law Review 557. 

d) Blogeinträge 

  • Silvia Behrendt und Amrei Müller, «Why the rush? A call for critical reflection on the legal and human rights implications of a potential new international treaty on pandemics», EJIL:Talk!, 29. Juli 2021. 
  • Amrei Müller, «Developing international law in territories controlled by armed groups: upholding life-saving conditions – but what about promoting political and legal legitimacy of non-state authority?», Armed Groups and International Law Blog, 21. Mai 2020.