Carlotta Manz
Carlotta Manz




  • November 2020 - current: University of Lausanne, PhD Candidate, "Use of Genetic Data by Private Parties: Ensuring Human Rights Protection Horizontally", Centre de Droit Comparé, Européen et International, University of Lausanne.
  • July 2020: University of Groningen, Summer School on "Human Rights and Global Health Challenges". 
  • September 2018 - January 2020: University of Lausanne, Master of Law summa cum laude.
  • Master thesis in International Economic Law: "Les surtaxes douanières sur l’acier et l’aluminium imposées par les Etats-unis dans le cadre de l'OMC". Reinhard & Raja Klarmann Foundation – Award, for the best thesis in the field of international and multicultural business law at the University of Lausanne.
  • July 2019 - August 2019: Humboldt University of Berlin, Summer School on "Refugee protection and forced migration". 
  • September 2018 - January 2019: University Paris 1, Panthéon - Sorbonne, One-semester exchange. 
  • September 2015 - July 2018: University of Lausanne, Bachelor of Law magna cum laude. 

Employment history  

  • December 2020 - current: Theme Developer in International Health Law for Oxford International Organizations (OXIO), Oxford University Press. 
  • November 2020 - current: Graduate Assistant at the Centre of Comparative, European and International Law of the University of Lausanne. 
  • June 2020 - current: Reporter for the Oxford Reports on International Law (OUP) in the International Human Rights Law module, Oxford University Press. 
  • February 2020 - June 2020: Academic internship at the Swiss Representation at the Council of Europe, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. 


