Jakub Míšek
Jakub Míšek

PhD candidate, Mgr. MgA.


Jakub Míšek is an Instructor and PhD candidate at Institute of Law and Technology at the Faculty of Law, Masaryk University. His main field of study is privacy and personal data protection. In 2013 he finished his master studies in Music theory at the Music and Dance Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. He finished his master studies in Law in 2014 at Faculty of Law of the Masaryk University with diploma thesis “Personal Data Protection Online: Consent to Personal Data Processing”. In 2019 he defended his rigorous thesis "Legal Aspects of Open Data" and gained JUDr. degree.
Between 2012 and 2015 Jakub worked as a paralegal at the Legislation and Foreign Relations Department of the Office for Personal Data Protection, where his task was to assess the influence of new technologies on the personal data protection. Since then he collaborates with the Office as an of counsel for issues concerning new technologies. Since February 2015 he works at the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic as a member of the Open Data project team. His main tasks are licensing of open data, open data and personal data protection and the creation of legislation proposal for open data in the Czech Republic.

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A complete listing of Jakub Míšek'  publications can be found here.