Philippe Hofstetter, Doktorand, Universität Basel, Juristische Fakultät, Life Sciences ClusterBasel, Handelskammer beider Basel.
Hofstetter setzt mit dem Life Sciences Cluster Basel der Handelskammer beider Basel Impulse und setzt sich mit Hingabe u.a. für ein nachhaltiges, digitales Gesundheitsdatenökosystem ein.
Mr Hofstetter is currently the leader of the Life Sciences Cluster at Chamber of Commerce of Both Basel, where he currently works with and represents more than 800 life science companies in the Basel cluster, which, as many of you will know, is one of the world’s leading life science industry clusters and innovation ecosystems. Philippe Hofstetter obtained his Bachelors and Masters of Law from the University of Basel in intellectual property law, life science law and commercial law. He then started a doctorate in law with a PhD thesis on “Private Contracts for Digital Goods” at the Center for Life Sciences Law at the University of Basel, which he played a major role in setting up as a scientific employee and an affiliated researcher.