Ronald P. Loui
Ronald P. Loui



Ronald P. Loui is Founder at CivicFeed, a former Officer in IAAIL and Organizer of ICAIL, 2001. He holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence (University of Rochester), a M.Sc. in Computer Science (University of Rochester) and an A.B. (Harvard University).

Jusletter IT

  • M. Giacalone / R.P. Loui, Dispute Resolution with Arguments Over Milestones: Changing the Representation to Facilitate Changing the Focus, in: Jusletter IT 22 February 2018.
  • R.P. Loui, From Berman and Hafner’s teleological context to Baude and Sachs’ interpretive defaults: an ontological challenge for the next decades of AI and Law, Artificial Intelligence and Law 24 (4), 371–385, 2016
  • R.P. Loui, Scientific and Legal Theory Formation in an Era of Machine Learning: Remembering background rules, coherence, and cogency in induction, APA Newsletters Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers 14:1 Fall 2014
  • R.P. Loui, Paths to Defeasibility: Reply to Schauer on Hart, APA Newsletters Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers 12:2 Spring 2013
  • T. Bench-Capon et al., A history of AI and Law in 50 papers: 25 years of the international conference on AI and Law, Artificial Intelligence and Law 20 (3), 215–319, 2012
  • R.P. Loui, Comment on the Cardozo conference on graphic and visual representations of evidence and inference in legal settings, Law, Prob. & Risk 6, 319, 2007
  • M. Looks / R.P. Loui / B.Z. Cynamon, Dynamics of Rule Revision and Strategy Revision in Legislative Games, JURIX, 59–68, 2005
  • R.P. Loui, A mathematical comment on the fundamental difference between legal theory formation and scientific theory formation, Fourth international workshop on computational models of scientific reasoning and applications 2005
  • M. Looks / R.P. Loui, Game Mechanisms & Procedural Fairness, JURIX, 111–112, 2005
  • E.L. Rissland / K.D. Ashley / R.P. Loui, AI and Law: A fruitful synergy, Artificial Intelligence 150 (1–2), 1–15, 2003
  • A.R. Lodder / B. Verheij / R.P. Loui / A. Muntjewerff, Legal Knowledge and Information Systems JURIX 2001: the fourtheenth annual international conference, IOS Press, 2001
  • C.I. Chesñevar / A.G. Maguitman / R.P. Loui, Logical models of argument, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 32 (4), 337–383, 2000
  • R.P. Loui, Process and Policy: Resource‐Bounded NonDemonstrative Reasoning, Computational intelligence 14 (1), 1–38, 1998
  • R.P. Loui / J. Norman / J. Altepeter / D. Pinkard / D. Craven / J. Linsday / M. Foltz, Progress on Room 5: A testbed for public interactive semi-formal legal argumentation, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law 1997
  • R.P. Loui, Alchourrón and von Wright on Conflict among Norms, Defeasible Deontic Logic, Synthese Library, 345–352, 1997
  • R.P. Loui / J. Norman, Rationales and argument moves, Artificial Intelligence and Law 3 (3), 159–189, 1995
  • R.P. Loui, Hart's critics on defeasible concepts and ascriptivism, Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, 1995
  • R.P. Loui / J. Norman / J. Olson / A. Merrill, A design for reasoning with policies, precedents, and rationales, Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law 1993