Pietro Gervasoni
Pietro Gervasoni



Pietro Gervasoni is Managing Director of swissethics since November 2015. Prior to that, he was General Manager and Director Clinical Operations at Quintiles (now IQVIA) and held various roles and responsibilities in medical affairs and clinical research in the pharmaceutical industry, including Sanofi and Bristol Myers Squibb. Mr. Gervasoni has also worked for the International Committee of the Red Cross as a delegate and head office in the Middle East (Iraq, Kashmir) and Africa (Rwanda, Ivory Coast). He studied Biochemistry at the ETH Zurich and received his PhD at the University of Zurich with the «outstanding dissertation award».



Publications (in peer review journals)

  • Driessen S., Gervasoni P., «Research projects in human genetics in Switzerland: analysis of research protocols submitted to cantonal ethics committees in 2018» Swiss Med Wkly. 2021, in press
  • Gloy V., McLennan S., Rinderknecht M., Ley B., Meier B., Driessen S., Gervasoni P., Hirschel B., Benkert P., Gilles I., von Elm E. and Briel M., «Uncertainties about the need for ethics approval in Switzerland: a mixed-methods study» Swiss Med Wkly. 2020 Aug 12;150:w20318
  • Gervasoni P., Staudenmann W., James P. and Plückthun A. «Identification of the binding surface on beta-lactamase for GroEL by limited proteolysis and MALDI-mass spectrometry» Biochemistry. 1998 Aug 18;37(33):11660-9
  • Vinckier A., Gervasoni P., Zaugg F., Ziegler U., Groscurth P., Plückthun A. and Semenza G. «Atomic force microscopy detects changes in the interaction forces between GroEL and substrate proteins» Biophys J. 1998 Jun;74(6):3256-63
  • Gervasoni P., Gehrig P. and Plückthun A. «Two conformational states of beta-lactamase bound to GroEL: a biophysical characterization», J Mol Biol. 1998 Jan 30;275(4):663-75
  • Gervasoni P. and Plückthun A. «Folding intermediates of beta-lactamase recognized by GroEL» FEBS Lett. 1997 Jan 20;401(2-3):138-42
  • Gervasoni P., Staudenmann W., James P., Gehrig P. and Plückthun A. «Beta-lactamase binds to GroEL in a conformation highly protected against hydrogen/deuterium exchange» Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1996 Oct 29;93(22):12189-94