Law Firm on the Rise: How Dr. Benjamin Domenig Leads Domenig & Partner Attorneys at Law AG on a Growth Trajectory
Lawjobs im Interview 09.11.2023 Beiträge

Law Firm on the Rise: How Dr. Benjamin Domenig Leads Domenig & Partner Attorneys at Law AG on a Growth Trajectory

Cedric Frenzer
Cedric Frenzer
Ferhan Osseili
Ferhan Osseili

He shares how he founded his own law firm, identifies the areas of law that will become particularly important in the future, and explains why sometimes it pays off to swim against the tide.

Topics: Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Lecturer, Board Member, Career, Growth, Balance, IT Law, Labor Law, Digitalization Advice, Domenig & Partner Rechtsanwälte AG.
Feel free to comment on Linkedin.
Reading time: 2 minutes.


Thank you very much for the opportunity for this interview. What led you to study law on one hand and at the universities of St. Gallen, Bern, Lausanne, and Texas on the other?


Before my time at the gymnasium, I wanted to become a doctor, so I originally chose biology and chemistry. However, after my first dissection of a frog, that plan quickly fell by the wayside...

After a few years of professional experience in a business law firm, I realized that it is enormously difficult to introduce modern structures and innovation into traditional businesses. - Dr. Benjamin Domenig

How did it come about that you decided to take the path to become the Managing Partner at  Domenig & Partner  Attorneys at Law AG after various positions in business law firms and at the appellate court?


After a few years of professional experience in a business law firm, I realized that it is enormously difficult to introduce modern structures and innovation into traditional businesses. That's when the idea arose to try it myself – within the framework of my own company.


How did you come to be awarded as the "Top Law Firm" in the fields of labor law and IT law and the "Business Law Award 2021"?


The votes come from our own clients, which means nothing other than that we have a very satisfied clientele.


However, this can only be achieved with a highly skilled and well-coordinated team of talented lawyers. In addition, we have an excellent back office that efficiently handles all administrative tasks and provides strong support to the legal team.

I have an excellent and well-coordinated team that has my back and supports me actively. - Dr. Benjamin Domenig

How do you balance your roles as a lecturer, board member, and lawyer?


I have an excellent and well-coordinated team that has my back and supports me actively. Efficient time management also helps. This means that both employees and clients know that I am not available in the morning, neither for calls nor meetings. However, my doors are always open in the afternoon.


How does your law firm's approach differ from others in the industry, especially regarding digitalization?


Quite simply, we are modern and work as a team. I understand that many law firms claim this about themselves, but it's true for only a few.


We work paperlessly: digital document storage and task management, as well as a digital archiving solution. We have an IT infrastructure that allows us to work from anywhere and access all necessary information. Next, we are looking into a meaningful and secure use of AI.

Legal knowledge and skills can be learned. Being an exciting, motivated, and integral personality, on the other hand, is something one either is or isn't. - Dr. Benjamin Domenig

What are the main criteria for recruiting new talent for your law firm?


We are looking for great personalities. Employees with whom you'd be happy to go away for a weekend. Legal knowledge and skills can be learned. Being an exciting, motivated, and integral personality is something one either is or isn't. The latter is crucial in recruitment.


In your opinion, which legal areas will be particularly relevant in the future and why?


Everything related to IT and data protection. Also, labor law issues: Jobs and tasks will continue to evolve, along with the working conditions that come with them.


And finally, what advice would you give to aspiring and young lawyers who aim for a similar career as yours?


Don't always take the path of least resistance. Fight against traditional structures and organizational forms, and resist even if it doesn't always make you popular.

Thank you for the interview, we wish you continued great success!

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