From the Legal Department to the Top of the Company: How Lawyer Philomena Colatrella Became CEO of CSS
Lawjobs im Interview 23.01.2025 Beiträge

From the Legal Department to the Top of the Company: How Lawyer Philomena Colatrella Became CEO of CSS

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The CEO of CSS and board member of Swiss Life shares her journey to the top of CSS, explains which legal skills benefit her in her daily leadership role, and offers valuable advice for building a career in corporate management.

Topics: Lawyer, CEO, Career Advice, Insurance, Leadership, Corporate Culture, Health Insurance, Swiss Life, CSS.
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Reading time: 4 minutes.


Good morning Ms. Colatrella. You are the CEO of CSS and hold the attorney's license of the canton of Lucerne. What does your career path look like?


I have always been interested in a wide range of topics, which made it difficult to choose a field of study. Ultimately, I decided on studying law at the University of Fribourg - a program that opened many doors for me. On the one hand, it provided an excellent general education, and on the other, it fostered multilingualism - an aspect that runs through my entire career. My interests were in European law, insurance law, and the intersection of business and medicine. After completing my licentiate (utriusque iuris), I did internships at the district court and in a law firm, eventually earning the Lucerne attorney's license. Initially, I joined CSS with the intention of it being just a starting job. However, after quickly making significant contributions to strategic projects, CSS became a long-term commitment.


How does a lawyer transition to a CEO position?


I never planned my career at CSS in detail. Instead, one step led to another - from lawyer to General Counsel, then Deputy CEO, and finally CEO. Along the way, I completed various training programs in finance and management both in Switzerland and abroad.


Since my very first day at work, one thing has been clear: I have a passion for corporate management and entrepreneurial contexts. And I love advocating for the interests of our clients to ensure they can continue to benefit from a good and affordable healthcare system in the future.

I want to sense how my people are doing, and I don't want to hide in an ivory tower. - Philomena Colatrella

What does your typical workday look like today?


There are almost no "normal" workdays, as I experienced them as a lawyer. The almost only constant is that I am usually in the office before 7 a.m. The days are typically filled with meetings where decisions are made about the further development of the company. And I am often on the move to exchange ideas with various stakeholders or to have conversations with aspiring talents. An important part of my work is the exchange with employees. I want to sense how my people are doing, and I don't want to hide in an ivory tower. It’s important to me that employees are willing to embrace change, without losing sight of the foundation and their value compass. This exact combination is what drives the success of CSS.


What were the biggest challenges in transitioning from the legal department to the CEO role, and which skills from your time as a lawyer have proven particularly valuable?


After serving as General Counsel, I was the Secretary General for several years, so I was already part of the leadership team and knew CSS inside out. The CEO position wasn’t a leap into the unknown. But, of course, it was a huge change. Just the fact that I was suddenly much more in the public spotlight took some getting used to. My main priority as CEO is the transformation and the question of how we can make CSS more agile, future-ready, and digitalized. I’m pleased that we’ve succeeded in many ways.


If I had to name two skills from my time as a lawyer that have particularly shaped me, they would be methodology and logic. They allow me to approach things precisely and find solutions. Of course, the fact that I can rely on capable people around me makes it much easier.


You are an important role model for many women who aspire to leadership positions. What factors are important when planning a career, and are there steps you would have approached differently in hindsight?


I really enjoy being the CEO of CSS. Originally, I had aimed for an international career, which I still find attractive in hindsight. What is important is not to fixate too much on preconceived ideas and career steps. A career comes with many uncertainties and cannot simply be planned on paper. However, a key aspect is that one shouldn’t hide and wait for a "calling." Instead, you should speak about your ambitions and seize opportunities when they arise.

For me, the two perhaps most important leadership principles are honesty and authenticity. I also place a strong emphasis on dialogue, exchange, and staying connected with others. - Philomena Colatrella

You were named Leader of the Year in 2021. What do you consider the key characteristics of successful leadership, and how would you describe the corporate culture at CSS?


For me, the two perhaps most important leadership principles are honesty and authenticity. I also place a strong emphasis on dialogue, exchange, and staying connected with others. These characteristics are also reflected in the leadership philosophy at CSS. As leaders, we must not only provide direction and inspire our employees but also be role models ourselves, so that people feel valued and are motivated to follow the path we set. A key foundation for this is a culture of trust. Only where trust exists can success be achieved.


How do you assess the current situation in the Swiss healthcare system, and what solutions would you propose to tackle the existing challenges?


The constantly rising healthcare costs and, therefore, premiums are clearly the biggest challenge. In September, the Federal Council announced the third major premium increase in three years. Families are reaching the limit of their financial capacity. On November 24, we voted to implement a unified funding model for healthcare services. This will ease the burden on premium payers in the future. In general, revolutionary changes in the healthcare system face significant hurdles, as history shows. Therefore, it requires great perseverance and a policy of small steps, with all parties involved contributing. For example, at CSS, we strictly control all incoming bills, saving hundreds of millions of francs.

Did you know?

The Jusletter special edition on "Health Law" regularly offers fascinating insights into the most important legal topics in healthcare.

The next special edition will be published at the end of January.

To the Fall Edition 2024

What advice would you give to lawyers and law students who aspire to a career in business leadership or a CEO position?


Studying law provides an excellent foundation. However, it’s also essential to have solid business knowledge. A specific further education in areas like finance and accounting, as I did, makes sense. Additionally, I completed a management course at the London Business School. As lawyers, we are often experts in risk analysis. We frequently see reasons why something should not be done from a risk perspective. If I only followed this principle as a CEO, I would barely be able to move the company forward, or at least not at the necessary pace. To steer a company’s direction, we need to broaden our focus beyond risk. Especially in a heavily regulated industry like the health insurance market, it’s crucial to have a keen eye for entrepreneurial opportunities. I would describe this in terms of a positive creative force, which a CEO must both demonstrate and exemplify. This also applies to the aspect of further education. Today, it is essential to continuously expand one's knowledge and skills. I have personally focused on advancing my expertise in the areas of digitalization and AI, gaining extremely valuable experiences.


Thank you for the fascinating insights into your career and your daily life at CSS! We wish you all the best moving forward.

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